Monday 6 June 2011

Shimmer Palette Vs. Shimmering Facial whips?

No contest, in my opinion. I've yet to have a little tube of shimmery goodness that didn't go runny, separate in the tube or gush out in a useless rush of what seemed to be 'gone off' cosmetics.  The Studio Shimmer Palette on the other hand, is gorgeous.  4 colours for £3.50 - bargain.  4 tubes would set you back £6.00 and won't last as well or be as user friendly.
I've swatched the shimmer palette so you can see what shades you get and how they come out:

With flash

Without flash in natual daylight

The colours are a gorgeous white that is lovely for highlighting the eyes below the brow bone, 2 beigey/pinkish tones and then a very pretty pink on the end, which I have used on eyes, cheeks, lips.  I do recommend the palette - wouldn't recommend the facial whips!

You know the drill....where beauty meets value ;)



  1. thanks hun this was handy :)

  2. You're welcome. I hope you go for it because it is a lovely palette and lasts ages! Free shipping today too.... ;) x
