
Adult Acne & how to beat it n' treat it!
Living with adult acne is no fun at all, in fact it not only damages your skin, but your self-confidence too.  You'll be tempted to do everything that you can to combat the problem, including scrubbing, toning, exfoiliating, layering on lotions, astringents, and scrubs etc....all the while you'll probably be making your skin problems a lot worse.  Scrubbing results in the sebaceous glands becoming even more stiumlated and producing even more excess oil and whatever else it is that makes icky spots!  When it comes to adult acne, less is definitely more.  

I lived with adult acne for over 2 years and as a result my confidence suffered terribly and so did my skin. I felt unable to go out without a thick mask of make up on and only now have I recovered from it and the same for my poor skin too (with the help of Palmer's Cocoa Butter). I was on oral medication by prescription from my unsympathetic doctor and face cream so strong that it took the dye off my pillowcases and stained my clothing white.....Panoxyl gel I think it was called.  The medication didn't work.  Clearisil, Oxygel, Freederm, Quinoderm Avon Clearskin....any brand you can name - none of it worked. Now, I'm not saying what worked for me will work for you because everyone is different.  Likewise, something that failed on my skin might help you. I urge you to try more gentle, less abrasive treatments first.  Here's my how-to guide and the products that I disovered which helped and cured me and had very fast acting effects.

This is a legendary skin care system for good reason - it works.
Firstly, after clicking the link, complete the online skin consultation and then click to see your results and find out your skin type.  I used to be a type 4 - very oily and prone to very frequent breakout.  Clinique then suggest the best 3 step skin care regime for you. If you are a type4 (and if you have adult acne, you are likely to be) here's what they suggest:

The whole kit will set you back a mere £30 and you get  a comprehensive skin care kit, suited exactly to your needs. I also highly recommend Clinique's anti-blemish gel - apply to spots and spotty areas by dabbing gently and then apply the moisturiser over it (day time), dab liberally all over infected areas at night and leave - don't touch! After a few weeks you will be amazed at the results. My skin cleared in in 6 weeks once I started using these products in conjunction with one another.  Look out for the Clinique counter at department stores as they often have Clinique bonus time - where you spend x amount or purchase certain products and and receive gorgeous freebies. The UK website also carries special offers.

Here's my check list of managing your acne skin :
  • When cleaning your face, always dab gently - dab the face cloth, dab the towel - don't scrub - you'll just irritate your redness & soreness and possibly tear spots, which scars your skin and spreads the infection.
  • Don't share your face cloths or face towels with anyone!
  • Make sure your hands are clean before applying any treatment.
  • Don't pick at your face!  You will scar even worse and make the appearance of your infection redder & angrier.  I know it's hard but you have to leave your yellow heads alone!
  • Don't use anything too harsh and chemical-ridden on your skin - otherwise you'll have dried out, flaky, patchy skin to add to your woes.  Beware of products containing a lor of parabens.
  • Find the products which work for your skin and stick to them.  The Clinique 3 step skin care system is honestly the best and less invasive or harsh treatment I can think of and recommend.
  • Drink plenty of water.  Beauty truly does start from within and keeping your body hydrated is essential.
  • Try to get some sun, but take the proper precautions.  Sunlight, in the right amount can help your skin.
  • Get some vitamins down you! Try the special herbal blends that are specifically for teeth, hair, nails & skin and then get some good old fashioned Vitamin C down you.
If all else fails, visit your doctor and ask to be referred to a dermatologist.  

One final note - when it came to dealing with the scars left on my face, I found a product that dealt with the problem quickly and cost next to nothing.  Click HERE to learn more about this wonderstuff!