
Finding the perfect hairdresser if the first and most important thing when it comes to having the hair you want.  If you find a hairdresser who understands you and your requirements, stick with them as long as you can! Once that basic is out of the way, you need a few pointers in order to keep your hair looking great between salon visits.

1. Don't wash too often
What?! That sounds unclean.  Isn't it an old wives tale?
Nope!  Washing every day will strip your hair of any natural oils (grease and dirt is fine to go, but all that washing will irritate your scalp and strip the hair of natural nutrients).  In this day an age when we have gorgeous smelling dry shampoos, washing every day isn't necessary.  Also, this means less blow drying/straightening and general damage. Give your hair a chance to thrive!

2. Try one 'does it all' finishing product
My latest discovery is L'oreal Extraordinary oil.  You can use before shampooing as a treatment, when the hair is wet as a serum and after drying/straightening as a product finisher.  In other words, you can throw away your serum, styling protector and hairspray/wax/shine spray.  This product smells absolutely gorgeous and has left my hair soft, light, shiny, sleek and gorgeous. And no product build up!

3.  A trim - every 6 weeks.  Religiously.
A 5/6 weekly trim is a must. You need to lose the dead ends/split ends, revive the hair and help encourage new, stronger growth. To maintain your style and shape you really can't afford to let your locks become straggly and wild and dull.  Make that appointment - and keep it!

4. Colouring at home
Between salon visit and colouring, you can do your roots at home! The fantastic Clairol Root touch up is so simple and fast.  No need for all the usual hair dye stuff (gloves, plastic caps, cape/towel etc...), you get a little dish and brush and you simply dip the brush in the mixture and then apply to your roots (usually your parting and/or temples).  In 10 minutes it's done and ready to wash off.  Use your normal conditioner and you're good to go.  TOP TIP: You can make one kit last for 3 applications.  The 2 tubes have resealable screw caps so just pout a little into the dish and mix up and save the rest.  I have got at least 2 applications out of every kit.  Great way to save money and works out at below £2 per touch up.  Lasts for 2-3 weeks.